SSFバーチャルナビゲーターです。ssフリーミュージック・楽曲追加お知らせです。 今回は、ハネてるせいか日本ではあまりウケなそうな(笑)、ファンキー&ジャジーなピアノのpops。さっそくチェックしていきましょう。
administrator(当サイト管理人)によると、ハネたジャジーなピアノのせいで、有名な曲でいうと『Virtual Insanity』に雰囲気は近いかな、だそうです。テンションコードは手癖なので何が鳴っているかはわからんと言っていました。。
pops11~『paradise in outer world』lyrics
i don’t remember my childhood.
but only in this facility.
it is germfree and peaceful,
a residents lives innocently.
one day a certain man who was
kidnapped some years before, told me
the truth of this facility.
this cult is gonna just use us.
if you want to escape from this evil facility,
take me to the land with you where you told me before.
it seems dangerous, but may be attractive.
there will be a paradise in outer world.
According to his another speech,
they are about to force us
to marry into executive’s home
or honeytrap for a V.I.P.
as long as we stay here,
they never set us free in life.
what they say is not true.
the human race doesn’t face the end.